How do I search for a specific newspaper?


  1. Search for the name of the newspaper in the Journal List, linked from the Library homepage, beneath the Start My Research search box. 
  2. Once in the Journal List, you can search for the name of the newspaper (Denver Post, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, etc.).
  3. If the Library has access to the newspaper, the results list will show what date range we have plus a link to access it online (or information about where it is in the Library, if we have it in print or microfiche).  

This brief video also walks through the steps of searching for newspapers by name:


New York Times

Auraria Library provides affiliates access to content on the New York Times website. See our NY Times FAQ for information on setting up your account.

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  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2023
  • Views 172
  • Answered By Kaiya Schroeder

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